
kick-off of the Annex on Industrial Electrification


The kick-off meeting of the newly proposed annex “Industrial Electrification” will be held in Amsterdam, on Friday April 6, 2018. This meeting will jointly discuss the goals, design and operation of the Annex

The Netherlands is proposing to initiate an Annex “Industrial Electrification” under the Technological Cooperation Program (TCP) IEA-IETS and in close collaboration with other relevant TCP’s. The Annex aims to advance the technological understanding and system consequences of Industrial Electrification and for accelerating innovation in this important field.

You can find a first outline for the setup of the Annex Program here. 

Learn more about “Industrial Electrification” here. 

For this meeting,  from each member-state a maximum of two representatives are invited; (1) an official representative of the member state of IEA-IETS and (2) an on-topic expert from your country that will most likely become active in the annex. Please express your interest and confirm your participation before March 23 2018 to the registration link:

Further details about venue and agenda will come soon.

For more information, please contact Ms. Soledad van Eijk directly. 

Go to the event's website